Alpe di Siusi: With bewitched greenery against all kinds of proliferation, it may grow just as it pleases. Sprouting towards the sky. Take root in the most beautiful places and sprout the wildest flowers: Greenery is doing well here on the Alpe di Siusi. So well, in fact, that it has formed well over a thousand different species. The Alpe di Siusi is a plant kingdom in the truest sense of the word, a Garden of Eden for pagan herbal knowledge, sacred foliage and healing stem stuff. One person whose treasure trove of green knowledge is inexhaustible is our friend Barbara. In summer she roams through the fields and forests and is not at all angry when people call her a herb witch. She knows what helps best, when, why and against what. If you like, you can book your holiday at the Zallinger's here and accompany her while collecting herbs. Or you can continue reading at your leisure. After all, we want to make the green stuff a little more palatable and tell you a few stories about the alpine plants that can be collected here in summer.
Alpe di Siusi: with bewitched greens against all kinds of aches and pains
Good mood flowers and the best friends of hikers
Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes later, but always around St. John's Day on 24 June, people are supposed to go and pick it, the St. John's wort. We don't want to break this good old custom. And so "Hypericum perforatum" with its yellow blossoms only comes into our basket at this time. Its effect on mind and soul is unbeatable. The arnica, which bears the mountain in its name as "Arnica montana", also blooms yellow. Sore muscles? Bruise? Swelling? Arnica! That's why an ointment or tincture made from this green treasure is part of the basic equipment of every mountain expert. Apropos: If you are looking for the quiet little toilet on a hike but find only wilderness far and wide, you can rely on "Tussilago farfara" as a reliable and quite adequate toilet paper substitute. But coltsfoot also makes a good remedy for stubborn coughs.
Hats off to so much plant power!
One of the favourite plants of our herb witch Barbara is yarrow. "Achillea millefolium was already a valued medicinal plant in ancient Greece. In the Alpine region it was (and still is) used as an incredibly versatile helper for a wide variety of ailments. Particularly effective: a liver compress with yarrow. At least as effective, although often considered a "weed", is "Urtica dioica", which is full to the brim with vitamins and minerals and is a real treat as a salad: the stinging nettle! And before we now invite you to take a personal look at the alpine medicinal plants with us on the Alpe di Siusi, we have to send you shopping again. Because you need a hat. To wear. Because in the area around the Alpe di Siusi you will pass many elder bushes. But that's actually another story....